Laser Acupuncture

At the clinic we have 2 Medical lasers, The Raincorp laser is specifically used to stimulate an acupuncture point and the Polylaser covers a larger area.

Polylaser laser treatment at acupuncture rozelle
Polylaser laser treatment at acupuncture rozelle
hand Laser Acupuncture for Acupuncture treatment
hand Laser Acupuncture for Acupuncture treatment

We have had a great result with the laser and can be used to patients and children who are afraid of needles. They are very safe, there is no discomfort or pain are  non-invasive, non-threatening, pain free modality that perfectly complements any treatment. And or as a stand alone treatment.

These laser are sometimes called or known as “cold laser” or Low level light therapy, or photobiomodulation .

hand Raincorp laser Acupuncture for Acupuncture treatment
hand Raincorp laser
hand Raincorp laser Acupuncture for Acupuncture treatment top view
hand Raincorp laser Acupuncture for Acupuncture treatment top view


How does it work ?

Lasers use PBM ( Photobiomodulation)  therapy which are invisible ad near infra-red part of the light spectrum. These do not carry any charge thus do not attract or repel electrons. Medical research  shows that the non-thermal or non- ionizing PBM laser therapy  effect the cell at the mitochondria level which  produces Energy and homeostasis at the cellular and systemic  level  to regulate inflammation, pain , tissue repair.

 Commonly PBM has been used for many years on sports injuries, arthritic joints, neuropathic pain syndromes, back and neck pain, oedema and for cancer patients   Many trials been published on the use of a cold laser mainly relating to pain management, though at time progresses is used is being extended for other health concerns.

Some complaints that low level laser therapy may be able to treat/support include:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Asthma
  • Bursitis
  • Sciatica
  • Headaches
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD)
  • Sports injuries, sprains and strains
  • Tennis elbow
  • Golfers Elbow
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Osteoarthrosis
  • Sinus
  • Skin Conditions
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Reproduction concerns

Refer link below for more information re  Polylaser an lasers in general (Australian Institute Laser Technology)

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