New to Chinese Medicine

A long history

From the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) in 2016:

Chinese Medicine is a coherent, unique, and holistic way of looking at health and disease that developed over thousands of years in China, providing a unique form of healthcare and medical intervention. Chinese Medicine is grounded in the Chinese medical classical texts and taught and practiced within the same holistic philosophical paradigm that produced all the traditional Chinese arts and sciences.

Chinese Medicine provides an energetic systems-based description of the person, known as qì, where the physical, emotional, sociological, psychological, and spiritual aspects are seen as interrelated, interdependent, interconnected, and inseparable.

What is the theory of acupuncture?

Chinese Medicine and how acupuncture points promote healing, with ongoing trials assessing efficacy in all medical fields
Chinese Medicine and how acupuncture points promote healing, with ongoing trials assessing efficacy in all medical fields

In Chinese Medicine theory, the complex meridian network that travels throughout the whole body to every system, organ, and gland is a unique internal system. The meridian network comes to the surface of the skin in certain areas called acupuncture points. These points on the skin make up over 14 main channels named after the organs they most influence.

For example, we have channels named after the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys, bladder, stomach, spleen, gall bladder and small and large intestines. An acupuncture session involves the gentle stimulation of several points on these channels, after careful selection based on a Chinese Medicine diagnosis. Once chosen, acupuncture points can be stimulated by light pressure, fine needles, or low-level light therapy (LLLT).

CM theory states that any healing the body is capable of doing naturally may be encouraged by the appropriate stimulation of acupuncture points on the surface of the skin. These theories are undergoing ongoing clinical trials to assess the efficacy of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine across all medical fields.

Can you use acupuncture on babies and children?

Yes, babies, and children, and young people may be given acupuncture by gently massaging acupuncture channels and points on the skin.

We may also use laser acupuncture which has no sensation on the skin.

Chinese herbal medicine

Chinese herbs loose
Chinese herbs loose

In Chinese herbal medicine there are hundreds of single herbs available for use in thousands of ancient formulas used in China over many centuries. The practitioner is trained to learn the many ancient formulas and thousands of modifications to these formulas.

Chinese Medicine practitioners receive in-depth training in the pharmacology, toxicology, multiple use, and contraindications of each herb.

Chinese Medicine (CM), incorporating both Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, has been used for well over 2,000 years. In China, ‘Bare Foot Doctors’ or ‘Masters’, worked in the community, gained experience, increased their skills, and shared their knowledge by constantly researching ancient texts while mentoring their trusted apprentices.

Many of the ancient texts are very interesting. For example, the Shang Han Lun, written in 100 AD after the author, grief stricken with the loss of his entire family to a flu epidemic, researched old texts to uncover formulas that discussed flus and fevers. For example, modern day ventolin is a derivative of the herb mahuang, first mentioned in the Shun Hun Lun 2000 years ago.

Chinese medicine is generally considered to be safe but occasionally (as with all health treatments) may be associated with possible adverse other service sections in individual cases.


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